How many times you get forwarded e mails from your friends????
There were times where i used to get tens every day, while now i get them only every ones in a while. However, if you think about these e mails, you can mainly put them in three categories: funny mails, religious mails and the last category is the one that i don't like, warning e mails.
Warning against a shampoo type, a tooth paste, a power drink or even chocolate, my problem is the way in which such e mails are written: hidden hate speech and usually a lot of lies. I got used not to read such e mails, because they make me angry, they say to much without any proof or reference, so it is a way of making trouble, if we are able to think and question there are others who take everything as right and who might make wrong actions out of this information.
If i read something in the newspaper, for example about a product that might be harmful, i would want to share it with my friends, i would show a reference for it, i would look up a proof for that, so that it is believeable for others.
The other thing is the promises you find in these emails, publish it and you will get (Ager), i doubt that i will get something back by publishing lies.
Please make sure that what you are forwarding to your friends is true and trustworthy, so that you can get something out of forwarding it to others. Don't be just a name in the long long long list of forwarder, do not let some people trick you into something only they know what is the truth behind their actions.