Last days i saw something that made me think.
I have read a comment on a person whose family is well known, the comment was very judgmental and have put a bad light on that person. I know this person, and the things wrote about him are completly wrong. I would say that they were written on purpose just to hurt, but why?
Why are we doing this? Why do we judge on others just because they have money, they have power, they have ideas, they have knowledge, they have luck, easily they have more than we have. Why it is easier for us to believe the bad things than to believe in the good things? How come we lost the trust in people??
Why do we feel jealous when we meet a person who has more money than we do? Why is it easier to say that the money that they have is stolen and not clean instead of saying that they might have worked for this money?? Why do we think the worst first??
During University the ones with rich daddies where treated differnetly. " his father will buy him the best car, his father will pay for his grades, his father send him to France for a vacation." And because we don't have a rich daddy, we have to take the micro we put our anger on them. Maybe they were just nice people, honest, straight and responsible.
Is this fair?? try to be honest?? from the relligion point of view is this right??
I will not give the answers, i think the answers are clear?? We are jealous. We can just easily say this is life, some people own more some own less, everyone has his part in life and everyone will take exaclty what God wants him to take. Isn't life easier this way??? trying to feel satisfied with what he have. Leaving the others alone?? What would be case if it is us who are rich?? if the others say about us that we are stealing??
Ask your self are you judging by Name??? are we fair by doing this??? do we know the truth or are we just jealous??? Are we really looking for the truth???