While living abroad means that you have to decide, first will the woman go out or not and second where to put the kids.
If the woman chooses to go out and study or work the search for a caregiver for the kids begins, and this is the difficult desicsion. Is there anyone who can take care of your kids as you are doing?? mainly if they are still young and not in the school age.
What are the main points you have to look for at a caregiver??
Trust?? education status?? health check?? police check?? References??
You have to watch your kids very closley, their behaviour, their little bodies, their reactions.
Too many times i have heard of babysitter hitting the kids they are taking care of. Trust your kids more than anyone, trust your feelings. A false desicion made by you will have bad effects on them.
A nother choice is to put your kid at a public daycare, which is controlled and monitored by several persons and not only by one, but your kid will have a bigger chance of getting sick and learning bad habbits.
However, never forget, nothing is more important that them, always choose what is best for them and not what is cheaper and more convinient for yourself.
really that's it u 've 2 find the best 4 ur childeren....but even here n libya...lots of ppl started using baby sitters better than nurseries....every thing has it's good & bad....but u r good enough 2 choose....good luck
i agree with u it's very difficult desicsion
thank u for u'r post it's very nice really nice
Thank you for your wishes weda..
And for you too nasim thank you and welcome in my blogspot.
I have never used daycare or baby sitter for my kids, I think the only babysitter I am going to use is my 13 years old daughter which she can do legally now
I do not know if you live in Libya or abroad, if you live abroad then use National daycare company, then pick the babysitter who works in the daycare which your child is in, that how my sister in law does, they are happy with the one they have.
Babysitter I do recommend if you want to have free time with your spouse which I think it is healthy for marriage.
I think day care is your best option, good luck.
Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family.
It's a difficult dicicsion in many ways,it's hard to trust anyone that easy,becouse even if u get agood babysitter ,educated,clean ...etc, still u don't know thier action with ur kid...so trust ur feeling and watch .
good look.
Nice post:)
Asalam Alykum
any normal mother will looking for the best to her children & i think is the most beautiful work for any mother no matter how rich she is or what her educational level is raising her one children by her self.
Ramadan Mubarak
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