I wanted to update the blog for a long time. But i am not finding a nice topic to write about, so i decided to write about this and that.
First of all, i am finally done with my courses, i am on vacation, and it took me only two days and 20 cm of snow to feel bored again. It is really funny how people are feeling, during the semester i was missing the times sitting in front of TV, playing with my son or going out for shopping. Now, i am free to do all of that and i am not interested. I think people are never satisfied with what they are having, they always want a change.
However, Ca

nada is suffering from cold weather the last couple of days, first there were places with grades up to -47. Can you imagine it? -47? even my fridge is not as cold. I am soo thankful that i am not living in such a cold region. However, even places that are not so used to the cold suffered from it, snowstorms, schools closed, traffic stopped and even air traffic stopped. I am glad that the place i am at had only a couple cm of snow till now but this can change.
What else????? mmmmmmmhhhh
My son started to watch TV shows for kids, i am trying to keep a close look on what he is watching, even

though he is still tooo young to understand the main things, but i have to be careful. But to be hones, i like the shows they have on their children's channel. Sesame street, barney show and lots of cure cartoons. But the main point is that all of them are half educational half fun programs, so it is not considered a waste of time if my son watches them from time to time. He already started to ask for many (Barney).
For every one living abroad, the winter sale will start now after christmas. I hope that everyone who is enjoying shopping will be able to make good deals.
1 comment:
Well,since you talked about snow and cold weather,It's the same here in Colorado,and they said it's a cold storm coming from Canada,anyway,I personally hate to think about it,however,christmas break started which means the real boring time is showing up.
You know how I love your son says -barneyyyyy-,with special rhythm of him,and I'm glad that there is such a great educational and enjoyable programs for kids.
So, enjoy the holiday,because the tough time is coming up:).
Take care.
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