For a woman i would understand that she is enjoying not standing in the kitchen from time to time, some woman don't like to eat their own food. But for men?? normally the food at home should be their favourite because it is made like they want.
The question is why am i brining up this topic?? i am in libya for a visit, and in fact i am missing libyan fast food, libyan pizza, libyan shawerma and hamburger. But!!!!!!!!! I don't have any trust any more in any of the food shops. Normally they say the man know the good places, but eventhough my brother is bringing food from the so called clean places, i don't like it anymore.
Here, it became a trend to try the different restaurants. There are even real restaurants opening, nice locations, nice atmosphere, they say even nice food. But!!!! the question is not only is the food clean? Are the dishes and glasses clean? You are drinking from a glass that might be not properly cleaned, and too many deseases are spread.
I feel sorry, because we are an islamic country and being clean should be one of the main characteristics of muslims, why is there no trust??
u r talking about it cos u were with me for long time,so it seems i transfer this to u.
one day i was in a converstain class n i mentioned that so all of them thought i have OCD,so take care wen u r talking baout this:)
I feel sorry, because we are an islamic country and being clean should be one of the main characteristics of muslims, why is there no trust??
To be clean you do not have to be a Muslim, religion does play a role in your life but each society needs laws regarding cleanliness to protect its own citizens from diseases. You tell me why Libyan parents do not force their kids to take showers on a daily basis specially in winter and have their cloths clean. I can add more ..........
Dreamer, this is the problem. Don't speak about something that is causing troubles. This is the way most of the libyans deal from what i have seen.
Music lover, you didn't get my point. i was sarcastic when i have said that we are supposed to be a muslim country.
I went to visit libya, people there speaking about religion and 7aram and 7alal. How come a girl is going out on her own? how can you listen to music?? all of these things. but an essential thing like being clean in everything is not mentioned. For that i am sorry.
Good post libyan!
haram or halal??
I understand what you said perfectly.
Many so called Sunnis with their long scruffy beards state the harams according to how they wish they could adhere to cause many dont.They just talk and give everybody headaches -worse cases of stupidity and ignorance !
Our religion is simple yet these people want to show us they know better I too feel sorry for them.
As for the restaurants -here in Libya we have a crisis in management of any sort,with food its worse as no reporting or such are observed. WASTA only works here whether your restaurant are clean or have mice yuck !
Sorry I forgot to mention that we here go to cafes and restaurants when they are new ONLY ! As soon as word of mouth is out about somebody being sick or other we stop going to the place in question . Good thing our population isnt huge and word of mouth is faster than net or phone or anything :-)
Please add your blog to this so that readers know that you do exist :-) and thank you in advance.
Hi Shahrazaad;
You got my point, and welcome to my blog.
Thank you Musiclover for the link.
u talking like my mother ..tht`s what always my mom says " dnt eat from da resturants " r u sure evrything clean !! all stuff ok !! & other Q ... wish i can do that bt u know somtimes " stomach " screaming in wrong time ... for me i used ths type in unsual circumatanses ..
nice post `e many advices
keep good work
You worry about the restaurants but what about weddings , funerals , and the sbuora's too ? Where they just wash the tea and water glasses in plain water with no soap ? Yuk !!!That's the things that scare me the most , not the restaurants !
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