For those you haven't read or heard about her, it is a pregnant lady from Egypt who got killed in a German courthouse because of her being a Muslim and wearing the Hijab. The Judge said that this guy said that he feels that the immigrants are taking his job opportunities, and he denies the fact that he is an immigrant as well from Russia, and that he is not a German.
However, this will not bring the wife and the mother of a 3 year old back, but it will give a little bit of satisfaction to the family.
The reason why this happened in my view is all the bad news about Muslims all over the world, what you hear is killing, killing and killing. And no doubt that people get afraid and hate what they don't really know and only know from bad news.
I am fed up saying that I want to be a good example for the Muslims, because I don't want us to be in the position of setting an example at all, I just want to live normally the way I life without thinking that the others may take a good or a bad idea. I don't harm anyone, I don't hurt anyone, I just want to live, raise my kids, study or work or whatever and be in peace.
Picture source
ربي يحفظ المسلمين وين ما يكونو
Allah bless u
salam alaykom...
Insha Allah it will come one day when everyone understand what Islam stands for...
It´s sad to see that non-muslims and even many muslims, have worked so hard to make the picture of Islam so ugly...
It is the saddest and cruelest thing to have witnessed something so evil in a life time... and as you said, nothing will ever bring Marwa's life...
I totally agree with you that us Muslims shouldnt, and don't have to be on defense all our lives! Those who are ignorant enough to take prejudices without proof, are mere idiots who don't even deserve an explanation, let alone a defense....
Eid Mubarak to you and your family
Eid Mobarak my sister in Islam :)
كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة عيد الاضحى المبارك
Thank you for passing by and reading.
Dear Ema, Romana and Nasimlibya and to all Muslims out there, i wish them a peaceful and nice 3eed.
And for those who have family members in haj, inshalla all will arrive home safely.
Great post . I heard about this and couldn't believe it .So awful .Things are getting crazy all over the world these days .Why can't we just respect each other and our differences ?
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Eid .
Eid Mobarak
كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة عيد الاضحى المبارك
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