Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Eric Lafforgue

Yesterday i was playing again with my PC, in other words, searching around in the internet, when i decided to take a look at flickr, i have never heard of it before i saw a presentation about the new internet web2. Where it was shown how easy it is to share pictures of places and things all over the world, and then i started to look for pictures from Tripoli and Libya, and i found this beautifull album, i was so surprised and amazed about these pictures.

This is the link to the slideshow.

While looking around in the news, i found this article, the first part is speaking about minorities living outside and how to deal with it, the second part is actually the one that i found very alarming. I mean whenever you enter you tube or google video in arabic, you will find more disgusting videos than looking up the same sites in english or in another foreign language. I think that this is really alarming and very sad.


Hiba said...

first of the all i loved flickr and i have an album tier and 2 called lovelytripoli and the other called Libyan beautfull cities.
and i think the wanderfull sshots were taking by A great PhtotGhraper person.
i was Conected with one of the men who is visted libya,and they showed me wanderfull pictuers.
u have to join that groups to see that..

thanks for sharing with us,this Wanderfull view of libya

فراشة said...

السلام عليكم
احب ان اوجه لك الشكر على زياراتك لي في مدونتي فراشة و احب ان ادعوك لزيارة مدونتي تصويت و للنقاش الجاد
تجدهم في البروفايل الخاص بي
بخصوص البحث في الانترنت عن الصور الليبية
شخصيا عندما اقوم بأي بحث
عن أي شيء
لا أحب ان بكون بجواري احد
لا أحد
فلا أعلم ما الصور التي ستفاجئني
و لا اعلم المواضيع التي تصدمني
و لا اعلم متى اجد فيلما ليس أخلاقي معنون بأسم بلادي

لذلك لا أحب ان يكون بجواري احد
تفاديا للمشاكل

فمن سيرى نتائج البحث
ستقع عينه في البداية على الصور و المقالات و الأفلام التي تشكو من خلل
و التنيجة
رسم علامة تعجب
و مائة علامة استفهام على رؤس عائلتي
و خوفا من هذا الامر
لا احب البحث في الانترنت و بجواري احد


blackstone said...

flickr is a def great site! im surprised you just now found it!