What about your knowledge?? This question is moving around in my head since days.
The main reason for me thinking about this was seing how my classmates have a basic idea about almost each topic that comes up in class. I do not mean the knowledge from out course books. I mean the knowledge that we gain from reading newspapers, different books, listening to documentations and other types of programs.
To be honest, i feel embarassed of my general knowledge. Although i am reading a lot and i am trying to know more but it seems not to work out with me.
I am willing to read and to know more but nothing wants to stay inside my mind, all the information that i am reading seem to vanish after some days.
What execuses do i have? Let's see:
Not enough time to read.
Not really concetrated.
Not interested.
Busy with house, family and studying.
Are these really sufficient reasons? No, they are not.
Mainly in Libya you see people forcing their kids to study their school books and learn them by heart, but do they encourage them to understand what is written in those books? Or do they encourage them to ask questions and try to find the answers else where? No, not everyone is doing that. I am looking here at the different kids and i am trying to follow how they are teaching them. They are actually teaching them to think on their own, and not to follow the adults. They don't keep them silent because it might seem (3eib) in front of the others. They do not teach them to be rude, instead they are well behaved but at the same time questioning everything. i want my kids to grow up with this attitude. And i want to teach it to my self too.