What about your knowledge?? This question is moving around in my head since days.
The main reason for me thinking about this was seing how my classmates have a basic idea about almost each topic that comes up in class. I do not mean the knowledge from out course books. I mean the knowledge that we gain from reading newspapers, different books, listening to documentations and other types of programs.
To be honest, i feel embarassed of my general knowledge. Although i am reading a lot and i am trying to know more but it seems not to work out with me.
I am willing to read and to know more but nothing wants to stay inside my mind, all the information that i am reading seem to vanish after some days.
What execuses do i have? Let's see:
Not enough time to read.
Not really concetrated.
Not interested.
Busy with house, family and studying.
Are these really sufficient reasons? No, they are not.
Mainly in Libya you see people forcing their kids to study their school books and learn them by heart, but do they encourage them to understand what is written in those books? Or do they encourage them to ask questions and try to find the answers else where? No, not everyone is doing that. I am looking here at the different kids and i am trying to follow how they are teaching them. They are actually teaching them to think on their own, and not to follow the adults. They don't keep them silent because it might seem (3eib) in front of the others. They do not teach them to be rude, instead they are well behaved but at the same time questioning everything. i want my kids to grow up with this attitude. And i want to teach it to my self too.
Acknowledgement of the problem is half of the solution :-)
I agree with everything you said about the educational system and how some parents dont encourage their children to think beyond the scope of their school books.
Good post. I'm sure you will be a great father to your children inshallah.
Since you have taken the nickname Lebeeya, i was not able to take it. (just kidding) I am a already a mom of a little boy, and i know that my nickname doesn't show if i am a girl or not, but i am a girl.
And thank you for you kind words.
I am so sorry! I don't know why I thought you were male. Forgive me.
I would add my voice to Lebeeya "Acknowledgement of the problem is half of the solution"
General knowledge in my generation is very poor and peoples interest in gaining general knowledge is very low and i think that is due to many factors ... a good example would be a good friend on mine saying "Paris is a country and a different on to France"
Nice topic
Fe Aman Allah
What about your knowledge? To be honest, i feel embarassed of my general knowledge.
Do not feel bad,and do not be embarrassed. Do not compare your knowledge with others, what count most is that you seek knowledge, plus your interests does not have to be the same like others.
You have qualities what others might not have. An example you play a piano and I don't, were as I know history of China, does this make me knowledgeable than you, the answer is no, I will be glad to trade my knowledge of China knowing how to play a piano. The truth I was stupid to quit learning piano and now I regret all my life. I am fortunate that I had a father who took interest in my sister and I to learn something besides textbooks. He forced my sister and I to read newspapers and I thank him to this day for doing it.
What differs from one person is eagerness to learn. You are a wife, mother and a student at the same time, that's already a big load, just to parent a kid is a full time, your time with your child is a learning process on a daily basis.
I am willing to read and to know more but nothing wants to stay inside my mind, all the information that i am reading seem to vanish after some days. What execuses do i have?
Knowledge disappears and comes back to you when it is needed. Reading it should come to you as an enjoyment not competing with others. Reading is the cheapest hobby, you can never have a dull moment with reading.
You might be interested in reading fiction books such as Harry Potter or love books by Daniel Steele not Non Fiction books. Reading what counts.
Knowing world geography and history will give you an excellent foundation of understanding many things in different topics.
Google is a gift from heaven, you can obtain any information you want , just place the question and google it, you will get your information, if the you are not satisfied with the results, you need to rephrase your question.
Do not be hard on yourself, you have your blog readers who willing to share knowledge, give you an advice.
You are doing fine with your child. Children appreciate their parents when they notice they are spending quality time with them.
Go out and have an ice cream with your family, nothing beats a happy smile on your child. Have a family pizza night every Thursday, bring blankets and pillow, cuddle and watch movie together. They will cherish these nights.
Adamo , Tombe la neige
I add my voice to musicclover,no onw should compare him/herself with others,u should be proud of urself and ur Acknowledgement,we had many disscusion about so many things before,and i always enjoy discussing things with u becouse u always have something usful to say, don't be emmbaressed,u should be proud of what u have in ur mind and what u will have,we had grew up in very bad educational time ,we are reading and googling to be up to date while our generatoin are still playing playstation not just for fun, be they just have nothing to do just playing, i can count to u how many times i 've had serious disussion with one of medical student not even in my collage field,that is really shame.
and don't forget that we still young and we s till have time to learn,educate,to cover what we were missing.no one can say I'm full of knowledge,I woudn't beleive anyone says this anyone.and beleive it or not u r fine, i know u r fine .:)
Talk soon inshaalh .
Thank you a_akak for passing by.
And to you musiclover, it is interesting to see such a point of view. And i cannot agree more about eagerness; You are right about that. Actually i don't consider google as a gift, it knows to much about me to be considered a gift, this is only ment as an advice, but Wikipedia is becoming an important reference for me.
And finally anonymous, thank your for your support, i always enjoy our discussions.
Generally spoken, we have to be harsh on ourselves sometimes, otherwise we might not reach what we want.
"la yokalef allah nafsa ela wes3ha " we'r doing our best just by thinking and worry about it.but it comes unconciously as long as we take it in our concederation.remember,our brain is unlimited capacity USB and it stores every thing we see,hear,deal with and makes our own data base.
anyway i liked the post alot,really
Welcome dear dreamer in my humble blog, i am very happy about that.
I am waiting for your first post, you blog is still only a name, but i am sure it won't take long and it will be more.
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