I wanted to remind you of these basic things that you should take care of as an internet user.
- Never leave your PC connected to the internet when you are not using it to minimize the time that your computer is connected.
- You have to install a Firewall, there are some free softwares available online such as zone alarm and make sure that it is always up to date.
- You have to install an Anti virus and also be sure that it is up to date.
- If it is possible install an anti spyware so that no one can take information from your PC.
- Never leave one of the messengers always connected, when you are not using it sign off and close it, it is a big hole where intruders can come into your pc with.
- Never open any ads on websites, you never know if there is a wrong software installing itself on your pc while klicking on it.
- Only brouse websites that you trust and always be carefull of how much information you want to make available.
- Never leave your webcam connected to the PC when you don't want to use it.
- Change your e mail password every once in a while.
- Be carefull when you use downloading programs such as napstar, e mule or limewire.
- Run your scanning programs from to time to make sure that your computer is free from intruders.
I forgot to mention
- Be carefull in opening any attachement you get, mainly if it is from poeple you don't know but also sometimes from people that you know, sometimes hackers can spoof e mail addresses.
- I would suggest that you download and install firefox internet browser instead of Internet Explorer due to some vulnarabilites from the IE.
Hi Libyan,
You forgot to mention Backup your data cause you don't know what might happen tomorrow. keep your system updated with latest M$ patches and update your software with latest version too.
another recommended Free Firewall for Windows is Comodo Firewall.
and there's no 100% solution against Virus just be careful with your mouse click..
good job
its danger stuff we should all know it
Fe aman Allah
Hi Libyan,
Great tips. I agree with adam, it's also important to back up your data as well as keeping your system updated with all the lastest patches and versions.
You are welcome crowded mind.
And blackstone, about your previous question, the words mean something like Stupid.
Thanks for the tips libyan :)
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