Missing family and friends is one major issue with being abroad especially when you live very far away and it takes more than one plane to reach Libya. For example, when one of us needs some help, for example being sick, moving away there is always someone there to help you out.
Till now i was not able to make good friends whom i can ask for help in such cases, therefore if i need help i have to pay someone strange 10-15 dollars per hour to help me out. On the other hand if i live in Libya i will get overwhelmed with helpers and visitors in such cases as being sick or so. It is the opposite, sometimes you are looking for some rest but you have to be prepared for all kind of visitors. Again this depends on the person, some people like it to have lots of people around them.
Picture source: http://www.stepbystepimmigrationcanada.com/live-abroad.jpg
hi Dream Libya!
First time for me to visit your lovely blog.
I too have lived abroad and found what you said to be true. As for living here our people tend to be more helpful yes,but there's always the price to pay ie the interference of families and friends which at times makes you feel paralyzed and being unable to do anything before they go through your problems and seek a soloution for you !
I like doing things my way ,without hurting anyone if possible .
take care
Hi Luna, thank you for passing by. I have an exact idea about what you are saying :-).
i need help i have to pay someone strange 10-15 dollars per hour to help me out.
if it is regarding that you are working and you have to pay that amount for baby sitting your kids after school or during your working hours, thats very normal.
Either you be full time mother and live on your husband's income till your kids reach the school age and you can go back to work force either full time or part time.
To go to a movie or have dinner with your husband then you have to pay a baby sitter which I find it normal.
if none of these solutions you like, just pack your bags and return to Libya and let your parents or your in laws to baby sit your kids and feel free for few hours to spend time visiting your relatives or visit your friends and their kids roaming around you :-)
You are not the only married mother who has this kind of an issue whether she is an Arab or Canadian. Please stop whinning that you live abroad because you are the one who chose this path. I get tired of people who just complain about their lives abroad, the only reason a person immigrates is to have better life.
Also we should not take our parents for granted, they have done their part to raise their kids and it is time that they enjoy their lives with out extra headaches such as dumping the kids at their place because of work or to have fun. I find it a selfish attitude.
You should contact SimSim the blogger I think she lives in the same country as you are, plus you can complain to each other about the Canadian Society how much it sucks. It is about time that both of you write something pleasant and joyful.
There is no future for a pessimist.
Ten Years After - I'm Going Home Woodstock 1969
Kingdom Hearts- I'm Going Home
Sorry music lover, but i didn't like your attitude in your comment. I am not speaking about a babysitter nor a daycare. Your are assuming something and judging based on that without really knowing what is behind.
In fact i am a stay at home mom right now, so i am not in need for a babysitter.
My post was about advantages and disadvantages of living abroad, and everyone knows that everything has two sides, so you should allow me the freedom to write about my own view of advantages of disadvantages in my own blog. Furthermore, you don't have to get personal even if you don't agree with me, you can express that in a normal way.
Moreover, i did not in any way complain about the Candadian society, i did complain that i am missing my family, so please next time when you want to comment about something read it carefully.
so you should allow me the freedom to write about my own view of advantages of disadvantages in my own bloG
My response is
cuts both ways
Anonymous said...
NOW that I find pretty interesting !!! Don't you ? LOL !
Yeah it is hard not to be home but what can you do ?There is always the good and the bad but Home is where the heart is right ?
I am assuming you must have allergies ? And that is why you are still stuck in doors ? Well , for whatever reason you are inside , I hope you can get out soon to enjoy the lovely spring weather ! Like your blog !
salam elika
this 1th passage in ur blog
i wish u accepted
good luck
ur sister
girl from another time
I share the same situation with you. some people will say it is strange to think like that but when you have strong base and healthy social relationship in your country really you'll miss them.
Salam alaykom. I fully understand you, i have a daughter at hte age of 4, soon insha Allah, but alhamdulillah now she is that happy smiling and loving girl again... i am married to a libyan man and we live in sweden and i am always looking for libyan bloggers, becuse i love libya so much, even thou i never been there, and i am trying so hard with my husband to move back there...
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