let me define it, Hijaab is hiding your beauty from strange Men, Cheating is copying other peoples work and calling it yours, bad speaking -gheiba- is to speak intentialy bad about others behind their back to put them in a bad position.
What is the view of Islam about these three?? Hijab, some say it is a must, some say not, Cheating, is clear not allowed, the Prophet- Salla Allah aleih wa Sallam- said: "man Ghashana faleisa minna". About Gheiba, there Koran verses are clear, it is as if your are eating your brothers meat.
My point about this is that i find it strange how people put the most weight about Hijab, oh, that girl is not a good girl, she doesn't wear Hijab, it doesn't matter that she is a kind and honest girl who doesn't hurt others.
Ok, actually this topic is in my mind for a couple of years, one of my friends had this situation, while in secondary school, the wasn't wearing Hijab, one time a teacher, Ikhsaia Igtima3ia came to the class to talk about Hijab, they were saying how bad these girls are who doesn't wear hijab, they instead of sitting houres in front of the mirror preparing theier hair they should sit and study, some of the other -Hijab and Jubba wearing girls- were agreeing, yes these girls are not good girls, just because of theier looking. What made me wonder, is that at one of the final Exams these Hijab wearing girls were asking the one without Hijab for answers, i know that my friend doesn't cheat because she believes in the Hadieth, so who is here the right and who is the wrong?
Just because you are wearing your Hijab you think that everything else is allowed? you can talk about others, cheat as long as you seem in front of the people Muthajba? i am not talking here about those who believe in it and are trying to be good people, i am talking about those ones who do it just to look good in front of others but the inside is not clean. I think that it is more important to be clean from Inside than wearing your Hijab or shorten your trousers, at the university some of the ones who had short traousers and long bears were cheating too, is that right????
Don't miss understand me, i believe in Hijab too, i just believe that if you want to be a good Muslim you should first understand what Islam is really about, and not only choose the things that are convenient to you.
Believe it or not, but the hijab is mentioned in the Quran and is a MUST and who defines a good or bad person is Allah only, to compare Cheating in exams to a fundamental part of Islamic identity says a lot about the author, another thing, 100% of scholars agree on Hijab … my brother/sister (not sure) if one sin is Haram the other is Makrooh and I will let you be the judge of which one
3aber Sabeel
First, my personality has nothing to do with the written there. If you dissagree with my view that fine that is your opinion, but don't get personal..
Second, i don't think that you got my point, first, yes,there is only one Judge and this is Allah sub7anah. Second, al7alalu baiyen wa Al7aramu bayen, i am here not comparing cheating to hijab or something else, i am here talking about "mathaher" about what is now happening, how people forget that hijab means alot more than only putting a scarf, or do you think that it is ok to wear a Hijab and cheat???? I am here not talking about Hijab specifilcy, i am talking about showing off to be religious in front of others, while in real and when no people are there the truth looks differnet. Islam is a complete picture not only some pieces.
موضوع لازم من طرحه
مسئلة الحجاب و الحكم على الانسان فقط من شكلة مسأله معقدة جدا ، فمن المتعارف عليه ان الفتاة الجيدة هي من ترتدي الحجاب ، و الفتاة الغير جيدة هي من لا ترتدي الحجاب ، طيب معناها البنت الكويسة لازم تلبس حجاب ، و البنت إلي مش كويسة ماتلبسش حجاب ؟، اسئلة فكرت فيها من زمان ، و قاعدة نفكر فيها ، بس مش لاقيتلها حل ، و السؤال إلي مجنني هو حجاب اليوم نقدرو نقولو عليه حجاب؟؟؟
libyan**GOD BLESS U** for every single word u said..
i belive in fact that the way u look does'nt define u as a person or can sort u under this list or that list of people..
and if u r looking right also does'nt mean that u r covering 4 something or hididng ur bad side under that..
any way
may allah bless us and our "Nawaaya"..
thanks libyan
it is really a Pleasure being in ur page.
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