Today i want to point out a libyan artist, i don't want to write about a painter nor an actor, i want to talk about a different type of Art . Maybe i wasn't aware of it or i wasn't interested, i don't know. Maybe there is not enough advertisements made for Art exhibitions, maybe i don't know the right people to tell me about such events, i know (Dar el Fonon) of Tariq El Sekka, the other place that i know is (De villa) - i think this is what it was called - in Gergarish, but i think it has been closed years ago.
I cannot remember the first time i saw an Exhibition for this young Artist, what i can remember is her exhibtion in De Villa, i went there with my friends to have a look, while i was there, one of the famous libyan actors came in, he was walking around in the show rooms and after he finished his 5 min round he asked the responsible person there: “ Emmala el lau7at wen?"
To be honest, i couldn't hold my self, i started to laugh. As the flyers, the advertisements and name on the entrance were clearly statiting that it is a Ceramics exhibition, and this man was asking for the paintings!!!!!
I cannot remember the first time i saw an Exhibition for this young Artist, what i can remember is her exhibtion in De Villa, i went there with my friends to have a look, while i was there, one of the famous libyan actors came in, he was walking around in the show rooms and after he finished his 5 min round he asked the responsible person there: “ Emmala el lau7at wen?"
To be honest, i couldn't hold my self, i started to laugh. As the flyers, the advertisements and name on the entrance were clearly statiting that it is a Ceramics exhibition, and this man was asking for the paintings!!!!!

Hadia Gana, a young and talented Libyan Artist, specialized in Ceramics. She studied at the Faculty of Art and she continued with her passion after she had finished her study. She made many exhibitions inside and outside Libya, Tripoli, Naloot, Malta and France. She made herself a Name from her good and professional work.
I was only able to attend three of her exhibitions, but i try to follow up her work, because it is interesting to see her continuous developments and her style changes. She continued her study and got her Master's degree from the UK, and she is now working in two faculties and in an Art school if i am not mistaken.
I tried to google her in the internet, to see a history or some works from her but i was hardley able to find something, and i felt sorry that there is no main website where the Libyan Artists and their works are presented.
Below you will find two links for two articels about her in two different websites, where she is mentioning the effect of her surrounding on her work, i wanted to mention this to tell you that she is the daughter of Ali Gana, El Ustad Ali Gana, i don't think that anyone who studied in the Department of Architecure in El Fateh University or anyone who had the chance and the pleasure to know him personally could ever forget this Man, Allah yar7ma, i have never met a person who had such a peacefull and kind atmosphere around him, by the way Ghazi mentioned El Ustad Ali in one of his Podcasts after he passed away.

And the one below is her Master's Project.
I wish her further success in her future work, and i hope that i will be in Libya for her next exhibition.
thank you for this very ineresting post, I am always looking for news and articles about talented Libyans and I agree with you, I wish that there was more coverage of this Libyan artist.
There was another Girl also in Ceramics, and she had an exhibition too, that was also very nice and interesting, i think her last name was Jebriel.
ممكن نقدر نساعدك في البحث
وعلي فكرة أني عندي معلومات علي الفنان التشكيلي محم بن لامين النحات الذي عرف في الصين ..
عندي موقعه الشصي وعندي حتي ايميله لو حاب تتعرف عليه. لأنه إنسان متواضع واعماله جميلة جداً بس للأسف في بلادنا ناس مايقدروش العمال الفنية وفي البلدان الأخري في تقدير ..
شكراً علي المعلومات
Also i found this sites;
Thank you for the interesting subject, and me my self love Hadia's works, i think she's very talented and the other girl's name is Reem Jebril...
The problem in Libya is even if there's Art shows there is no posts about it!!
We hear about the Art galleris , but months after it !!!!
myself an Arts graduate, but unfortunately do not work in Art, ,we live under a Financial pressure, and that does not allow us to work as free as we like, ! I say unfortunately because I wish to work in the field of art .. I hope that day comes!
thank you again
The other libyan ceramic artist her name is reem gibriel and she is live and work in USA now and she had a very intersting website u can google it by here name :
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