First i want to wish everyone of you a happy 3eid, thank your for your wishes, i was trying some houres ago to post about the 3eid, i had some troubels but now it is working.
Today was 3arafa, i wished to be standing there with the Hujaj. Praying for forgiveness and feeling that great feeling of being a guest of Al Rahman. Seing that holy places and visiting my Prophets grave.
Forgiveness, this is what we ask Allah for at these days, and this is what is asked from us, it is 3eid, forgive the ones who made you wrong.
To be honest, i had some troubels last days with someone, i will not speak high about myself, but i really was nice with her, i have treated her right, and i tried to help her, but at the end, she told me things that i will never forget, she is not rational, she is not even a friend of mine, we had to work together for something, and her work was not correct, and when i told her that she started to insult me, i had only one thing for her, 7asby Allah wa ne3m el wakiel. I was asking my self today, forgiveness is not only for 3eid and then i can go back to being angry, no. But i am still very angry, she was anfair to me, and i know if i would see her again, that i will not be fine again with her after what she said, i found out how difficult it is to forgive. i am not able to do that right now. May Allah forgive me and her for what she has done to me, and may Allah help me to learn to forgive.
wish you a happy Eid.. كل عام وانت والاسرة بخير
Thank you ghazi, braveheart and loveLY for your eid wishes.
كل عام و انت بخير
كل العام و انت بخير
كل العمر و انت بخير
أكيد السماح و العفو من صفات هذا العيد ، او العيد بصفة عامة ، لكن الاجمل و الاروع ان تعفو و انت قادر على العفو في غير اوقات العيد ، فالعفو عند المقدرة اوصانا عليه النبي الكريم ، فهمت من موضوعك ان هناك من أخطأت في حقك ، انت وكّلت امرك لله عز وجل ، لكن اعتقد انه من الافضل ان تواجهها و تخبرها بأنها أخطأت و أنك عفوت عنها .
هذا رأي ، و كل العمر و انت بأحسن حال.
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