Wednesday, December 26, 2007
If tomorrow never comes
Some of you might have heard this song by Ronan Keating. A wonderfull song, very nice melody and very nice lyrics, i just remembered when i was thinking of how should i start my post. A very nice love song, but this is not the reason why i like it. It is because of the question:
If Tomorrow never comes. If i would die tonight, what will happen?
This question is making some rounds in my mind. I was wondering about it.
If this is my last day, and if i would know it what would i feel? What would i do?
I think i would go crazy, thinking of all the things that i want to do in this last houres. But really, ask yourself are you prepared to die tonight?
Did i thanked Allah today for what i have?
Did i pray so that i can meet Allah without fear?
Have i read Qoran everyday, understood it and followed what it says?
Have i done what was asked from me, so that i can close my eyes and say the Shahada?
Do i feel satisfied with my life so that i can meet Allah sub7anah and be among the ones who He will look at them with (3ein El ra7ma)?
Did i return everything i took from others so that i don't carry any Amana with me?
Does my family know how much they mean to me?
Will they know that i love them, my husbend, my wife, my kids, my parents, brothers and sisters?
Will my friends miss me because i was a good friend for them?
Will my children know that i would have given my life to see them happy?
Will my wife/husbend know that she/he are the best thing that happened in my life?
If you will be able to say yes to all of this question you will be able to die now, if not!!!!!!
Imagine this....
You were sitting at home this morning, you were angry because your partner forgot to do something for you that you asked him to. You started to fight with him, you said bad words and left him hurt. You left the house, you didn't pray nor have you thought about Allah this morning. You started your car and then....... you died in a car accident. And then what?
Will you be able to meet Allah like this?
How will your partner feel when he thinks about the last moments with you?
What will the people say? will your close ones feel sad and miss you? or will you just be another one who just died?
Did you leave a hole in the life of those you know or not?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
First i want to wish everyone of you a happy 3eid, thank your for your wishes, i was trying some houres ago to post about the 3eid, i had some troubels but now it is working.
Today was 3arafa, i wished to be standing there with the Hujaj. Praying for forgiveness and feeling that great feeling of being a guest of Al Rahman. Seing that holy places and visiting my Prophets grave.
Forgiveness, this is what we ask Allah for at these days, and this is what is asked from us, it is 3eid, forgive the ones who made you wrong.
To be honest, i had some troubels last days with someone, i will not speak high about myself, but i really was nice with her, i have treated her right, and i tried to help her, but at the end, she told me things that i will never forget, she is not rational, she is not even a friend of mine, we had to work together for something, and her work was not correct, and when i told her that she started to insult me, i had only one thing for her, 7asby Allah wa ne3m el wakiel. I was asking my self today, forgiveness is not only for 3eid and then i can go back to being angry, no. But i am still very angry, she was anfair to me, and i know if i would see her again, that i will not be fine again with her after what she said, i found out how difficult it is to forgive. i am not able to do that right now. May Allah forgive me and her for what she has done to me, and may Allah help me to learn to forgive.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Libyan Art.
Today i want to point out a libyan artist, i don't want to write about a painter nor an actor, i want to talk about a different type of Art . Maybe i wasn't aware of it or i wasn't interested, i don't know. Maybe there is not enough advertisements made for Art exhibitions, maybe i don't know the right people to tell me about such events, i know (Dar el Fonon) of Tariq El Sekka, the other place that i know is (De villa) - i think this is what it was called - in Gergarish, but i think it has been closed years ago.
I cannot remember the first time i saw an Exhibition for this young Artist, what i can remember is her exhibtion in De Villa, i went there with my friends to have a look, while i was there, one of the famous libyan actors came in, he was walking around in the show rooms and after he finished his 5 min round he asked the responsible person there: “ Emmala el lau7at wen?"
To be honest, i couldn't hold my self, i started to laugh. As the flyers, the advertisements and name on the entrance were clearly statiting that it is a Ceramics exhibition, and this man was asking for the paintings!!!!!
I cannot remember the first time i saw an Exhibition for this young Artist, what i can remember is her exhibtion in De Villa, i went there with my friends to have a look, while i was there, one of the famous libyan actors came in, he was walking around in the show rooms and after he finished his 5 min round he asked the responsible person there: “ Emmala el lau7at wen?"
To be honest, i couldn't hold my self, i started to laugh. As the flyers, the advertisements and name on the entrance were clearly statiting that it is a Ceramics exhibition, and this man was asking for the paintings!!!!!

Hadia Gana, a young and talented Libyan Artist, specialized in Ceramics. She studied at the Faculty of Art and she continued with her passion after she had finished her study. She made many exhibitions inside and outside Libya, Tripoli, Naloot, Malta and France. She made herself a Name from her good and professional work.
I was only able to attend three of her exhibitions, but i try to follow up her work, because it is interesting to see her continuous developments and her style changes. She continued her study and got her Master's degree from the UK, and she is now working in two faculties and in an Art school if i am not mistaken.
I tried to google her in the internet, to see a history or some works from her but i was hardley able to find something, and i felt sorry that there is no main website where the Libyan Artists and their works are presented.
Below you will find two links for two articels about her in two different websites, where she is mentioning the effect of her surrounding on her work, i wanted to mention this to tell you that she is the daughter of Ali Gana, El Ustad Ali Gana, i don't think that anyone who studied in the Department of Architecure in El Fateh University or anyone who had the chance and the pleasure to know him personally could ever forget this Man, Allah yar7ma, i have never met a person who had such a peacefull and kind atmosphere around him, by the way Ghazi mentioned El Ustad Ali in one of his Podcasts after he passed away.

And the one below is her Master's Project.
I wish her further success in her future work, and i hope that i will be in Libya for her next exhibition.
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